Top 3 Nintendo Switch games you must buy.

Here are 3 Nintendo switch games you must buy in 2024. In this blog we will have games that have  already come out. If you don't agree with my picks tell me in the comments for what I should add and I will make another blog describing the games you picked. Anyway let's get right in!

3. Nintendo switch sports. (2022)

Why I am putting this game in this list is because it is a fun game you can play with your friends and family. It has seven sports all together and they are: golf, football/soccer, volleyball, bowling, tennis, badminton and chambara. These games can be played by yourself or with other people and when you start to get into it, it starts to become really fun. The last reason is that it is really fun because you can play globally against someone around the world. Also the controller is the club/racquet/sword.

2. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate(2019)

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate you try to defeat each other in combat, and you have different characters that all have different powers and you can customize your character so that they have a different color scheme. The four modes that you can play in the game are: Firstly, you can fight against bots and try to unlock every character by defeating them and by defeating bots to get to the next area. In the end you fight a giant hand/glove who enslaved the characters at the start and made the nice characters evil. Secondly, you can fight against your friend with the characters you have unlocked from story mode. Thirdly you can fight against a bot with the characters you unlocked, and can fight against someone globally with the characters you unlocked, again from the story mode. Finally, the last thing you can do is collect all the collectibles and characters there are.

1. Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom(2023)

In this game you have to try to explore the map, which is the same one as in game Breath of the Wild. Secondly, you have to try to finish the quest that starts at the beginning of the game. There are also a lot of side quests you can do to have different endings and you can fly a lot with your glider. There are a lot of floating islands to glide to and from to get to places easier. The last reason is that it has very good graphics, as do all of these games.

                                   THE END


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