
This is me as I write this blog. 

Shadyside 5 : Navy house is our new house in An my, which is in the rice fields of Hoi An, in Quang Nam province, in central VN. 



This a map of VN with Hoi An pinned.

 The outside

This is Shadyside 5The Navy House. To be exact this is the outside of the new house, but the house is not finished yet as you will see in a moment in the next picture/paragraph.

As you can see the house is split into three parts, not one, not two, three parts! The first one is the garage behind the big blue door on the left. That is where you park the motorbikes because you don't want them in the rain outside wet and sad. However, we haven't put the roof on yet so as you can see the house is not quite finished yet. Secondly, we have the 1st floor and finally, the 2nd floor. The house is not very convenient though because it is in an area with little shops or restaurants.

The Garage

This is the garage from an aerial point of view, and you can see that there is no roof on it. As I told you before, we are going to put a roof on it that is for sure, or else it is just a hole in the ground to park a motorbike into. (The garage is owned by both floors). That is all for the garage, so now onto the next part!

The outside in the gates

The picture you see here is the stairs up to the 2nd floor and the garden of the 1st floor, and as you can see there are two trees on the first floor and a few plants on the stairs to the 2nd floor. Here again you can see the garage and that it doesn't have a roof, and also we are going to add a few more plants to add  some more privacy.

The inside of the 1st floor

You are probably thinking why the heck the sofa is so long and I will answer that question soon, but did you see that there is no window or no pictures? That is because this house is not finished yet and I will do another blog when it is finished, OK? So now I will tell you about the mind-boggling sofa. The sofa is 3.0 m long and you could fit the world's tallest man, an American called Robert Waldow who was 2.72 m with a few cm to spare. Also the sofa can hold 10 people if they sit up. There is also another sofa upstairs on the second floor which is blue, but exactly the same length. Also the apartments are different colors. The 1st apartment is light yellow and the 2nd one is dark blue. The 1st apartment has two bedrooms (one of the bedrooms is really big), one kitchen, one bathroom, and one living room, and it the same for the second floor too. The only two differences is that the 1st floor bedroom is bigger than the 2nd floor one and the 1st floor has a garden. That is all it for this floor, so onto the next one.

The inside of the 2nd floor

This is a bunk bed in one of the bedrooms on the 2nd floor that is very wobbly because it is not finished yet. Also there is a 3rd floor that is a patio, which you can have a nice time on. Also we are going to put some pictures/posters on the walls. Finally, the sofa is the same length as the one downstairs and this floor is dark blue instead of light yellow.


That is it for this blog and I hope you had a nice time while reading it. If you would stay here would you choose the first or the second floor? Would you like to stay here even though it is not convenient?

                                   The End.





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