THE BIG QUESTION- How does the past influence our lives today?


The past influences our lives very much. If some things didn't happen or happened in a different way I might not be writing this blog at this very moment. Here are the things that are very important for our lives today.

Here is one event that changed the world. This is the event. When humans started to move from hunting and gathering to farming. This event happened at around

This map is where farming started👇

11,000 B.C.E ~ 10,000 B.C.E in Mesopotamia

When humans began to farm they would have to stay in one place or else their crops or animals would die or other people would steal them.

So now they have settled down they need to build houses and big walls so people can live and settle down. Although now that people have big walls there is no one to protect them so now we start to have armies. But these armies need a leader. That leader is the king.

Also, not everybody needs to farm so people start to get specialties like pottery or building. So then you have to start to have jobs and then money to pay people to do the jobs and so on. So now humans are quite civilized.

Here is one person who changed the world. His name is J. Robert Oppenheimer.

He is one of the most important people in history because he made the NUKE or Atomic bomb. The nuke is very important because it shows that there is a weapon that can destroy a city without you even knowing.

The Nuke is very dangerous and would probably be the main weapon if we had a WW3. If we did have WW3 we would all be doomed. Oppenheimer was the person who made the Manhattan Project. Before Oppenheimer made the nuke he was an Engineer and a higher education teacher. Oppenheimer was born on the 22nd of April 1904 and died on the 18th of February 1967 due to Laryngeal Cancer.

That is it for today and goodbye!   


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