MOVIE REVIEW: Transformers -The first movie

Plot Synopsis
- A young Man who is 17 called Sam Witwicky gets his first car and later on it turns out that his car is an alien, or a transformer, or a giant robot.

The first time Sam saw his car turn into a robot he took a picture of it but of course it was blurry. Then, he came out of hiding but got chased by big dogs and the chain holding them into the wall ripped out so the dogs came free and started chasing him again. Then, Sam's house gets checked by the FBI👮 and he is put in custody.👮 After that, his dad gets him out and then he gets arrested again by the FBI👮 and his car (Bumblebee) gets taken away for testing in The Hoover Dam.
Finally, he gets taken with his wannabe girlfriend Mikaela, who is actually a criminal, to The Hoover Dam. 

Meanwhile, in Qatar a regiment of American soldiers have seen two bad guys. They escape and get to America and then are in an epic battle between the Decepticons (the bad guys)👎 and the Autobots (the good guys)👍 with Sam and some other people.
They have to destroy the 'All Spark' (the cube of energy that could destroy the universe) . They of course succeed but they lose an Autobot on the way so they are sad.😭
Sam is a hero at the end.

The Cast - 
Megan Fox as Sam's friend Mikaela
Shia LaBeouf as Sam
Peter Cullen as the voice of Optimus Prime
Dylan O'Brien as the voice of Bumblebee
Hugo Weaving as the voice of Megatron

What I liked: I liked the story and the special effect and the robots.

What I disliked: I didn't like how much shouting there was. Also I didn't like how many clichés are in it too

Stars out of ten: I give it maybe 7.5 out of 10 really.



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