MOVIE REVIEW - Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

PLOT SYNOPSIS: The Triwizard Cup is at Hogwarts! Three schools are competing for the Triwizard Cup: Durmstrang, Beaubaxtons and Hogwarts.

The Quidditch World Cup final is in England so Ron, Harry, and Hermione watch it together with Ron's family. Then, they get to school for the opening feast. They hear about the Triwizard Cup. Dumbledore says he will give more information at the Hallowe'en feast when Durmstrang and Beaubaxtons will come too. The Triwizard Cup is a tournament made of three tasks and one person from every school competes for it. These three tasks are: to steal a golden egg from a dragon, figure the egg out and save someone that is important to you beneath the Black Lake on the Hogwarts' campus, and finally go through the maze that Hagrid grew. 

There is also a new teacher at Hogwarts called Mad-Eye-Moody who was an auror once. Mad-Eye-Moody taught them how to do the three unforgivable curses. 

The Hallowe'en Feast takes place at Hogwarts when the Durmstrang and Beaubaxtons visitors come to Hogwarts. But then Dumbledore said for their safety to enter they had to be 17 or above to enter. Dumbledore said that he himself drew an age line around the cup so that they can put their names and school in the cup on a piece of parchment. The best person to compete will have their names blasted out the cup into Dumbledore's hand and they will be the champion for their school. Three have already been blasted out, but just when he starts his ending speech another one comes out and Harry's name is on that piece. Everybody is puzzled. They all said "what?". 
In the first task, to steal the dragon's egg, Harry comes joint first,
the second task he comes joint first again by using Gillyweed (a plant that lets you breathe underwater), but in the third task he sees Cedric (the other Hogwarts champion) die at the hands of Voldemort
and he sees Voldemort rise from the dead. He duels Voldemort
and gets back to the portkey (via The Triwizard Cup)
and brings Cedric's deceased body back.
He gives the thousand Galleons from winning the cup to Fred and George Weasley (Ron's brothers) so they can start their own joke shop business to give people some laughs. 

WHAT I LIKE- I like the three schools and I like the duel with Voldemort too. That's really it.
WHAT I DISLIKE- It wasn't like what I thought it would be and the characters are a bit off of what I think. Also it misses a lot of important parts that are really important. If I hadn't read the book I would be like what the heck is happening. So this is the worst movie so far.
STARS OUT OF 10- I give this movie 5.5 out of 10.


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