BOOK REVIEW: Kensuke's Kingdom

PLOT SYNOPSIS: Michael's Mum and Dad had a job at the brick works but suddenly the brick works goes bust and Michael's Mum and Dad lose their jobs .They both start looking for new jobs, but they are unsuccessful, so Michael's Dad finds a boat called the Peggy Sue and off they go. One night though when Stella (the dog) wasn't strapped in Michael came to play with her when he let go of the lucky ball his friend Eddie gave him. Then, a big wave went over them and Michael let go of the safety rails and he was swept into the ocean. The first time he woke up he thought he was dead, but no, he was on a beach with Stella who was licking him on the face. He was on a island so he ventured to find some food and water. He couldn't find any though and he thought he would die from starvation or dehydration, so he found a cave and went to sleep. He found food and water mysteriously outside the cave. He ate it. Though he did it with great suspicion as to...